Life and Love


Life and Love – – Romance eBooks Online | ChatEBooks – Take a page from the heartwarming tales of ordinary people finding extraordinary loves as they love and live, in vivid color: That’s a Relief Wa

Sold By: Rhonda Jackson Joseph


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Take a page from the heartwarming tales of ordinary people finding extraordinary loves as they love and live, in vivid color:

That’s a Relief

Walk with Rosalind Davis as she realizes getting a chance at love later in life can be more than a bother.

Loving Daniel

Come along with Eva Grant while she and Santos help one another heal from the death of her husband, his friend.

The Act

Melanie Durst just about has her nest empty. However, the widowed mother of grown up daughters soon finds herself the object of the girls’ matchmaking schemes. In an effort to waylay these actions, Melanie joins forces with a handsome regular customer in her store, Tyson Brown. What begins as a farce to get her daughters off her back ends up being the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

Three in a Bed

Root for Daria and Maurice James as their loving marriage takes a hit from tragedy.

A Dog or Something

Tisha Randall wants a boyfriend. When a likely specimen walks into her pet store to purchase “a dog or something”, Tisha nearly turns him away with her disdain for would be animal owners who neglected their charges. Upon further review, Tisha realizes the man had a different type of void in his life, very possibly the same one that afflicts her.

My Best Friend’s Girlfriend

Aliyah and Andre have been best friends since childhood. Will they be able to build on that foundation and make a go of a proper romantic relationship?


Warm in the sunshine that Jasmine brings for Lemond when she smiles.

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