1. What is ChatEbooks?
ChatEbooks is a social media e-book marketplace where authors and readers connect and engage within the selling/buying/reading experience. The site features an interactive chat forum in which authors and readers can collaborate and have direct dialogue. This interaction provides the ultimate e-book experience for buying, selling, connecting and engaging in a fun-filled user-friendly platform.
2. Do I have to be a member to purchase e-books, participate in ChatEbooks' chat forum, or write reviews?
You do not have to be a member to purchase e-books, view book descriptions or read reviews. However, you must be a Chatebooks member to join and interact with other authors and readers on the site’s chat forum.
3. What forms of payment are accepted for e-book purchases?
All payments are securely processed through PayPal.
4. What is the refund policy?
Authors are responsible for handing refund requests since 100% of revenues are directly deposited in their Paypal accounts.
5. How can I become a member?
Authors may join by selecting “Author Sign-Up” at the top of the home page, and following the sign-up process to begin selling books. Readers may join by selecting “Reader Sign-Up” at the top of the home page and following the sign-up process.
6. Is there a membership fee for Readers?
Membership for Readers is free of charge.
7. What is the membership fee for Authors and how many books can I sell for this fee?
The membership fee is a one-time fee of $9.99 for lifetime membership. You may sell as many books as you’d like under your account as long as you’re the author/co-author/contributor/publisher.
8. What can I expect from ChatEbooks as an Author?
Once you sign-up with ChatEbooks, you’ll get to enjoy (1) Having complete control over the pricing and distribution of your e-books; (2) Keeping 100% and having immediate access to your e-book revenues; (3) Joining the site’s chat forum where you can communicate and developing relationships with readers and fellow authors.
9. What can I expect from ChatEbooks as a Reader?
Once you sign-up with ChatEbooks, you’ll be able to: (1) Browse, purchase and download PDF e-books (other formats may be available depending on the author); (2) Add books to your wish list; (3) Join the site’s chat forum where you can connect with e-book authors, rate books, write reviews, post comments and chat with fellow readers and authors.
10. How does the 30-day money back guarantee for Authors work?
If you are dissatisfied with the site after 30-days of membership, you can send an email requesting a full refund ($9.99) to support@chatebooks.com.  Refunds requested after 31 days of membership will not be granted.
11. How do I delete my account after the 30-day money back guarantee period (Authors)?
If your refund request is granted, Admin will delete your account and all of your books will be removed from the website.
12. How much of a split will be taken after the 30-day money back guarantee period (Authors)?
ChatEbooks will not take a percentage of your book sales after the 30-day money back guarantee period; therefore,you will continue to receive 100% of your book revenues. The money will be deposited directly into your PayPal account so you will be responsible for your own PayPal fees ($.25 per transaction) associated with your sales transactions.
13. Is my copyright protected (Authors)?
Yes, Author copyrights are protected. Members/Visitors do not have the right to exploit your copyrights for their own commercial gain. As site users, they agree to the Terms and Conditions of Use that Authors retain ownership of their e-books and therefore, are not allowed to republish or reproduce content in any way possible.
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